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Salmon fishing on the River Nairn

The 2025 Nairn season runs from Tuesday 11th February to Tuesday 7th October. Day or weekly tickets are available to visiting anglers. Methods are Fly and Worm, Spinning is also allowed when water levels are above the spinning marks.
For a relatively small river it can be very productive, both in terms of the quality of fish caught and the quantity. Often called "The little Gem" the Nairn can provide fantastic sport for local anglers and visiting fishers alike.​
​The Nairn Angling Association fishing consists of a 9 mile stretch of mostly single bank fishing offering the angler some of the best Salmon & Sea Trout Association water in Scotland. The fishings are over some 4 beats and include some excellent fly water.
The Nairn Angling Association dates back to 1923 and its aim is to promote and improve fishing, on an 9 mile stretch of the river Nairn for both local people and visitors alike.